Dear sunshine,
I want to dance with you for a life time
Hold you close to my heart,
Stop the hands of time
Make the world give us a little more time

To feel our bodies close swaying together
To music that only we can hear,
Letting it sweep us into Heaven
Come, dance with me there

We'll dance forever; never let go
Hearts in tune hand to hand,
Building love between us
That we barely can stand

Candles low no bright lights
Our love will light the way,
Come hold me close; dance with me
Till the night breaks to day

Feel our bodies pressed close
As close as skin to skin,
Open your heart to me baby
Come on, let me in
Fill my senses with your rush
Let me taste your deep kiss,
Hold me tightly to your heart

Never have I felt like this
Never will I feel it again
For within your arms I've died,
I've gone to heaven in your love
These are happy tears I've cried

Never have I been so loved
Or felt so much love for anyone,
Dance with me honey
Until the night is done

Dance with me until the world is done
I can't resist your charms,
Dance with me and hold me close
Let me die within your arms

Don't ever let me go
Dancing with you is so right,
I will never let you go with me tonight

Wedding at relatives house

I shall see spectacular photography and many other grand decorations are the foundation of a marriage. Hindu marriages, like most other cultural wedding ceremonies, are deeply concerned with their religious rituals and customs. Most ceremonies in the Hindu culture are family oriented with great emphasis on entertainment and inspiration. Also, off course, the amount of decorations and the extent to which the rituals are carried out depends greatly on the class of the families in society. I cant bothered about it,I was with my laptop on my lap and busy chatting with my friends. Wealthier families are inclined to spend vast amounts of money into the wedding ceremony to make it extremely extravagant, whereas the lower class families tend to just complete the essential rituals that are part of the wedding. However, in both cases amusement and entertainment play a major role in carrying out the wedding ceremony. I am with my ear plug on.The wedding that I attended was a middle-upper class wedding in which both the bride and the groom’s families were of the same Hindu origin. In most Hindu cultures, it is crucial for the families of both the bride and the groom to be of the same stature. That, however, is changing with time. The overall wedding in the Hindu culture lasts from a couple of days to a week. There are a number of rituals that take place on each day and each ritual symbolizes a certain aspect of life. The wedding I attended was of my cousins. I were thinking that how long more that I am going to be here.

my favorite fictional character

i choose Jane Gallagher,she play her role in 'catcher in the rye'.i have stated here y i do so.the first thing is for her sex is complicated. But for Holden, and specifically for Holden's relationship with Jane, it's really complicated. We talk in Holden's "Character Analysis" about how he can't imagine getting too sexy with a girl he has genuine emotion for, and Jane is a prime example. They hold hands, they sit close to each other, Jane puts her hand on the back of his neck…cute, but not exactly the most exciting Friday night with your significant other. Again, this was the 1940s, but as we see from the other boys at Pencey, young relationships aren't devoid of fooling around. We can't blame Holden's lack of advances on old-fashioned values – we have to look further.The most telling scene is one we get in a flashback. The checker-playing scene is to Jane's character what the baseball mitt is to Allie's. We lead into it sort of accidentally (Holden just sits down in a "vomity-looking" chair in the hotel lobby and ruminates), and he delivers the crucial information we've been looking for.Well, he sort of delivers it. Much like the Mr. Antolini incident, Holden leaves it up in the air as to whether or not Jane has been the victim of sexual abuse at the hands of her stepfather. Holden's not sure, so we're not sure (although we can take a pretty good guess). Even if Jane's step-father hasn't raped, we know there's at least something wrong; Jane refuses to look the man in the face and cries after he leaves the room. Either way, it's not a good relationship, and Holden's suspicions that sexuality have something to do with it don't seem far off the mark (especially considering his earlier statement, back in Chapter Four, that her "booze-hound" stepfather used to run around the house naked).So this, combined with Holden's history of possible sexual abuse, is a pretty good reason for their stunted sexual relationship. What's great is that it doesn't inhibit their emotional relationship at all – look at how Holden describes Jane to Stradlater. She keeps her kings in the back row, she used to be a dancer, she was a terrible golfer. Holden remembers personal, revealing details. He doesn't focus on the physical, as someone like Stradlater might, and he obviously cares about Jane as a person. Of course, Holden's inability to reach out to Jane despite his feelings is a big reminder of his passivity and indecision. When he finds out she's downstairs waiting for Stradlater, he says over and over that he'll go down to say hello, but never does. He repeatedly contemplates calling her once he's in New York, but can't bring himself to go through with it. When he finally does pick up the phone already, she's not there.

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im a simple gal who is very outgoing.dont like people who judge me.


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